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Buckingham’s training version of the BuckEscape™ Kit features all the major components from the BuckEscape™ Kit but is designed specifically for training purposes.
A self-rescue system (302AF-65) unit that features:
Descender made of light-weight aircraft grade aluminum features an anti-panic release brake, which will stop the descender if the user releases or compresses the descender all the way, making this the go-to product for all your self-rescue situations.
65’ (19.8 m) of compact TVAC descent line measuring only ¼” (6.8mm) and stands up to heat on long descents.
3,600 lb. rated gate steel snap hook.
3,600 lb. rated gate steel carabiner.
This product has a user weight limit of 130 to 310 lbs. (59 to 140 kg) when fully equipped.
Tested to Requirements of ANSI Z359.4
**Note: Bag Material withstands 40cal/cm2 electric arc exposure.
The BuckEscape™ training lanyard is a re-usable energy absorbing lanyard with a shock pack that features an aluminum snap hook on each end for use with a full-body harness with a dorsal attachment. All components are packed into the outer pack with a hook and loop closure that allows the user to repack for reuse.
The shock pack will deploy the internal contents around 600 lbs. of applied force, but in the case that not enough force was applied a strap is provided that will allow you to deploy the internal contents yourself.
The internal contents consist of a bent D-ring, 2 relief ladder straps and a relief ladder adjustment strap to ascend yourself into the ladder straps, minimizing suspension trauma.